Author: kevin.hense

The Next Generation

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Mylon Mayer has been apart of the Ken’s Market family since 2010.

Integer elit elit, fermentum nec nulla bibendum, egestas lacinia odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur iaculis interdum elit tincidunt blandit. Fusce eleifend enim magna, sed tempor lacus ultricies vel. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin feugiat, erat eu suscipit pulvinar, erat justo tristique augue, eu lacinia diam arcu a sem. Cras et mi non ligula sodales interdum vitae nec enim. Pellentesque vitae rhoncus velit. Nam tincidunt et tortor in ornare.

Ken’s grandson Derek Giles is continuing the tradition of keeping it in the family.

Aenean tristique bibendum enim, quis scelerisque libero tempor non. Sed pretium nibh id elit tincidunt commodo. Maecenas lorem felis, facilisis ac ligula vel, ullamcorper semper ante. Donec in tortor et lectus ultrices vehicula vitae vitae tellus. Nulla fringilla mauris in sodales fringilla. Nullam feugiat magna arcu, in aliquam orci pharetra ut. Vestibulum facilisis accumsan quam, eget ullamcorper lectus dictum non. Phasellus porta sit amet augue a gravida. Sed tempus euismod tellus in mollis. Aenean non ultrices urna. Nulla pellentesque ante sit amet nulla mattis feugiat. Proin metus lacus, ultricies sed nisi sed, sodales sagittis est. Fusce at gravida ex

Praesent a tellus lectus. Aliquam scelerisque eu tortor quis rhoncus. Curabitur at eros in sem semper facilisis. Vivamus ut nisl vulputate, efficitur quam in, iaculis turpis. Sed non elit id tortor auctor auctor. Sed imperdiet mi purus, et maximus odio cursus vitae. Fusce cursus accumsan quam, quis dignissim magna consectetur tincidunt.

Company Spotlight: Freeland Spirits

Woman owned and operated out of Portland Oregon, Freeland Spirits does things a little differently not only are they one of the less than 2% of distilleries owned by women they also use a distillation process all their own. Freeland’s small batch gin is created with a twofold distillation technique. They uniquely use a traditional copper pot still as well as a vacuum method that allows the flavors of fresh ingredients like cucumber rosemary, mint and thyme to shine through. 

Living by Oregon’s motto “she flies with her own wings”, Freeland Spirits celebrates the women of the craft. From the gals who grow the grain, to those who run the still, they’re creating superior spirits that celebrate all the Northwest has to offer.

A classic old fashioned cocktail featuring handcrafted Freeland Spirits bourbon.

Stone Fruit Salad

A fresh summer recipe

Then… finally this weekend it happened. The moment I was waiting for. My stone fruit were perfectly ripe and READY for me and I couldn’t wait. Whenever we go to the food store, my kids always ask if they can pick out a piece of fruit to snack on. I always let them because it’s a healthy snack and I’m so happy they get just as excited about peaches as they do donuts. 


1 1/2 cups sliced strawberries or raspberries

1 1/2 cups diced cantaloupe

1 1/2 cups diced pineapple

1/2 cups diced honeydew melon

1 cup blueberries

1 cup halved grapes

1/2 cup pomegranate arils

1/4 cup honey

1 teaspoon fresh lime zest

3 Tablespoons fresh lime juice

Fresh mint, for garnishing


Cut your stone fruit into chunks, removing the center stone (seed thingy) and place in a large bowl.  Crumble the goat cheese into the bowl.  Place your pecans, in a pan over medium-high heat. Toast the pecans for about 4 minutes, shaking them frequently so they don’t burn.  Add the toasted pecans, chopped basil, olive oil and balsamic vinegar to the bowl and toss.